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Team Ambassador Financial
Calling all Runners, Walkers, and those who just want to support our cause!
For Runners and Walkers:
Join a running team that you can be a part of, no matter where you live, and promote or raise money for Ambassador Financial!
There are two levels of support: You can just wear our Team shirt at any races you run, or you can wear the shirt and raise sponsorhsip for donations to Ambassador Financial. Cost is $25 and it pays for a tech running shirt and pledge cards if you want to raise funds as well as represent us. Contact Us if you want to join!
Not a Runner? That's ok!
If you are interested in helping Ambassador Financial by just getting the word out, you can still wear our shirt! We love the publicity! Shirts are $25-this just covers the cost of the shirt and shipping. Contact Us if you want to join!
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